One of our most ancient brochures circa 1979. Ever try cranking a turn with an 11 lb. board? It required a full arm plant to bring it around. That’s me in the top photo, Peter Prietto, aka “La Habs”, with the line up at Old Ladies Cove at Vic, and either Dirk Pratley, or Kurt Westgaard in the big spray. Dirk fled the Orange County development tragedy for the Colorado River river guide life about this time and has never needed to come back. Kurt is still skimming, last seen at the Vic this year in the Legends/Stiff Old Farts Division. The prices are amazing. $5.00 for a deposit, but only if you were a mail order. Design! Tex
Ok, this is pretty awesome. Really cool to the start of the company now that it has and is still really growing much bigger.