Zero Trash

Zero Trash is the best trash pick up organization I have ever had the privilege to participate in.   The concepts are simple but highly sustainable.   Between 10 am and 12 am, every first  Saturday of the month,  pick up trash on your street and beach.  Meet your neighbors who care,  buy a red shirt and a trash “picker-upper” device and do your thing.  Chip McDermott started it and it is growing and growing.

Today,  after 6 months of nearly solo trash days in Laguna Canyon, Skim Legend Kurt Westgaard showed up and helped  out.    One other Vic Team skimboarder has also done the deed,   Will Wright.   I can’t tell you how proud I am to know these guys.    Westy and I picked up all kinds of debris from the flooding weeks earlier.  Mail boxes,  broken ceramics,  gold ingots,  it is so rewarding.  Seriously, it is supremely rewarding to do a little for the planet, your fellow human, and your own street and beach.   Thanks Kurt,  thanks Will,  thanks Chip.

That’s easily 50 pounds less trash that will wash down to main beach this winter just from the 1/10th mile stretch of the canyon that we cleaned.  Contact to help pick up your street and beach.

Tex Haines

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