Nicaragua Skim Clinic, by Jasmine Joy

A Skim Clinic for Barrio Kids

[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″]Life isn’t all about ruthless competition or personal gain. Giving to those who are less fortunate and working together so everyone may benefit from each other’s skills is an admirable way to live. I felt this sort of camaraderie the moment I walked into the teaching facilities of The Barrio Planta Project (BPP) in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. A couple young boys were kicking a soccer ball around in the brick courtyard while I peeked inside a classroom of students learning English. I was impressed by the vibrant murals expressing culture and a quest for knowledge painted on the walls and pillars. My friend, Luis Anders Granja, guided me to this place once I [/one_half][one_half_last]mentioned organizing a skim clinic for the local kids. He introduced me to BPP’s Director of Operations, Jaime Hunter, who was enthusiastic to hear about our proposal. She told us it would be a great reward for the children and teenagers who had perfect attendance in English classes during April. Jaime conveyed her appreciation by explaining how their programs inspire students that come from poor, broken, or abusive families. Since it is a non-governmental organization offering free education to the community of San Juan del Sur, the funding they receive is solely from donors, sponsors, and volunteers. We agreed to hold the event on the morning of Sunday, May 12, 2013.[/one_half_last]


Life isn’t all about ruthless competition or personal gain.


The anticipation of BPP’s skim clinic lasted a week. Luis told me to meet him at the shop he manages called, SurfNicaWaves, by 8am. He had everything planned and ready for the beach once I arrived. There were a dozen skimboards available in different sizes for the kids to learn on. Half of them were made of plywood and shaped by Luis as a hobby. It was his idea to give three of the wooden ones away to the best riders. Sunscreen, surf wax, shirts, and stickers were donated by the shop. When we got to the bay, setting up was easy with the support of El Timón Restaurant who supplied us with canopy umbrellas, tables, chairs, sandwiches, juice, and a sound system. Skimboard Nicaragua also devoted their time by assisting in the video & photography department.

Within minutes of getting their feet wet, the shoreline was filled with playful splashing and innocent laughter.

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We started the event like it was the first day of school. Everybody had to introduce themselves while spread out in a huge circle. I counted thirty heads present, not including myself. After a warm-up of stretches led by Luis, we showed the students how to hold, drop, and stand on a board in goofy and regular stance. They took turns practicing the initial steps on dry sand before we hit the water. Within minutes of getting their feet wet, the shoreline was filled with playful splashing and innocent laughter. Most of my focus was[/one_half][one_half_last] on the four girls in the group because they were more timid than the boys. Cheering them on as they glided across the surface was such a thrill. To wrap up the skim clinic, the students were split into three age divisions and a friendly contest was judged. The level of confidence coming from everyone in unison made this the funnest part of the day. I think the kids of BPP enjoyed the event as much as I did. By sharing my talent and love, my only hope is to help future generations grow.[/one_half_last]
Words by Jasmine Joy


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