It twas a beautiful drive North to the land of mists and big trees this last weekend for a one day TAC Skimboard Contest. Wrapping inland from Santa Barbara the golden rolling hills with giant oak trees are a feast for the eyes and the soul. A long solo, 8 hour drive, costing $200 in gas round tip, but it was what had to be done. Even before I could leave my van got a failing grade for the alternator and battery condition, so I was in my smaller car for the overnight camping portions of the adventure.

I arrived just after noon to a great swell coming in all thru town. Watching the surfers at Steamers, I relived my college days riding a kneeboard there many times. Usually so cold after a session, that I could not get my thumbs to work well enough to get my fins off, and had to climb the stairs with my fins on. That kind of cold.

Contest was set up to maximize the late high tides in the evening when the wind would die down. It was hard to believe, as the wind blew hard all day, and made it a necessity to have several long layers of shirts and jackets on. The Pros went early before the winds picked up and got a few heavily stacked rounds out of the way before breaking for lunch late in the afternoon.

It was all stop for a couple hours before resuming the heats. All in all pretty tough for the middle of the day for everyone, but the evening was spectacular.

I am guessing the wind backed off around 6 and the tide was up by then and the skimming was pretty darn good. The Brazillan group representing Zap was there in force, and their skimming was outstanding.

I saw some great skimming from Team Vic, MIke Chapman, Paddy Mack, Brandon Sears, Chance Boyer, and Amber, and of course Paul Carey. He styled to win first in two divisions, narrowly edging out Thomas who got second in two divisions as well. Our team represented us very well.

It looked like Dane was going to go all the way all day long, but he ran up against Lucas and his ball of energy style and was overmatched. All those extra 360s on the face, in a barrel, are tough to beat.

In between the last rounds of the Pro, they let the “Old Farts” division go. Not a lot of respect in that title, but I entered, feeling like I was on my final tour somehow. We never get good conditions, but here it was on fire for us. Now 30 and up is a 40 year division for me, but the conditions were outstanding. Any time I can reach any open faces, it must be really good.

Ironically after a full 11 hours of waiting I was not ready for my heat, having blindly relied on the schedule that was posted and not the hints from the organizers. So, sans any warm up, at age 69, my competitors and I puffed and panted our way thru our 10 short minutes. It would be nice if there were a couple older divisions, something I am going to do for the Vic. I was very happy to have just been able to enter and get a second place finish.

Thank you Ben and all the staff and helpers and judges and sponsors. Santa Cruz is easily my favorite trip of the season, it never fails to impress me with it’s awesome scenery and amazingly energetic, creative, friendly people.

– Words by Tex Haines, Pictures by Paddy Mack

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