This book was made for us by our resident artist, Laguna College of Art and Design student, Tyler Palmer. It documents our history and people and vibe for our first 30 years.
To my surprise, a big party was held at the Brewery to celebrate this occasion. I wondered why there were so many familiar faces in the room as Lynn and I walked in. Amazing they all came to dinner at the same time as we did. Who’d a thought? This book was presented to us, and re reading it today is such a joy.
This is who we are. Still. A very small company, trying very hard to make a living at making skimboards. It is not very profitable. Between 2003 and 2018 we made a net profit of $18,000. Some years we made money, some we lost. Recessions that last 10 to 12 years have been challenging.
But we are still here. And it was oh so close to not surviving. There have been many dark days when I wondered why did I even bother to get up. It is all for naught, to work your whole life and wind up with nothing. If it was not for our investing in real estate, we would not have survived. Thank geography, and Laguna for the astronomical growth in property values.
We still make boards that rarely break. Most of our boards have several owners in one lifetime of service.
E glass and polyester resin is far stiffer than E glass and epoxy. That means our boards still go a lot further.
Carbon is not needed for 90% of the worlds skimboarders. And it adds a ton of cost to a board.
Victoria has mastered the details, from shape, to rocker, to rails, and durable construction.
Details are everything. Choose Vic. Go further. Last longer. Support the sport via Victoria Skimboards.
And, we give great service, with exceptionally quick delivery.
Please support our company. We are still a small business, and we need you to survive.
Use it or lose it. It works for me.
Enjoy these pages.

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