The Skimmunty Showdown in Sandbridge, Virginia was an absolute blast! Skim USA’s 4th stop on the East Coast tour. This is one of the sickest places to visit as it is about 30 minutes from the Virginia Beach ocean front. The perfect place for riding bikes and getting ice cream! The Virginia Beach Fishing pier is where you want to go to catch the best waves (15th st.)
Skimmers from Delaware, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, California, New Jersey and more states came to compete, and support the amazing vibes. Thank you to all the sponsors including Victoria skimboards for making yet another successful competition.
Left to right
Avery Ritchey (3rd women’s)
Jesse Burlew (1st grand masters 2nd semi pro)
Justin szymkowiak ( 4th grand masters)
Tyler Hodges ( 1st sr men)
Killian Davis ( 3rd boys )
Trevor George ( 2nd sr men )
Eve redefer ( 1st girls )
Rylea sixex (2nd women’s)
Cooper forcucci ( 2nd boys )

Photos by Brooke of Salty Tides Photography
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