– By Tex Haines

Congratulations to Yahir and Chabe, the winners of the Men’s Pro and the Women’s Pro. We have probably never seen such great riding, all weekend long, in the history of the Vic.


It was an epic weekend, with a ton of good community energy and 4-6 foot waves, you can’t go wrong. It was a well organized, well run event. Thank you Laguna Beach for all your help.


For starters, we cannot thank the judges enough for their tireless dedication, going straight thru with two days of intense competition. They are the heart and soul and by far most important part of a contest. Conley Ware, Keith Peery, Aaron Johnson, Kyle Wilcox, Dean Poshard, and Steve Glade.


Secondly thank you to all the helpers, before and after and during. Early morning set up with Greg Viviani  @solaglocal, Owen Neely, Jo Johnson my sister, Brett Mahon, Garth Wycoff, and Steve Glade on announcing, to Frank Mead handling the scoring tablets, to Matthieu for starting every single first heat with an interference lecture and jerseys, to priority judges Johnny Atoe and David Haefele, to Clay the Live Streamer/Premier Skim, to Carly, Luis, Jordan, and Jenny for all the work at the front desk, to OC Parks for helping us make this happen, to all the amazing sponsors who gave freely to the prize bags, to the countless donors to the Pro Purse.


You have to conclude that Laguna Beach,  The Skimboard Capital of the World is a very appropriate title.

As much as a month ago, the predictions for swell during the Vic were running at 8’ to 10’.

Weeks went by and it held steady at a 4-6’ range right thru the weekend. Aren’t we lucky!

The riders made it one amazing show. While the sand was nearly gone, and the tents were set up right against the parking lot. Surges of water raced up right to the judge’s tent and leaped the sand wall, going over the head of Johnny Atoe, the priority judge, seated in the trough behind the wall. The crowd was kept on their toes to avoid the water which was shooting into them over and over again on Saturday.


Having a set schedule again, for the entire event, it made it a lot easier on everybody, allowing quite a few folks to participate in the Brooks St. Surfing Contest as well as the Vic. This will continue going forward.


The entire Vic team did an amazing job, we are proud of all of you. Huge congratulations to @chabewhite traveling in from Mexico and taking the victory in the women’s professional division. With a runner up finish by team rider @jubxdias , and 3rd place by rider @ambertorrealba ::: Big congratulations to @brandon_c_sears for making a top 6 finish in the Men’s professional division. :::: @1finalchance took a well deserved win in the 18-21 division ::: @paulcarey4 finished runner up in the 12-14 division.  Recently signed rider @bunnyhopbeau also finished runner up in the 22-24 division. Indeed we are stoked with everybody who participated or attended.



Next year Pro entries will have to show at least two, 1st thru 3rd finishes in a qualifying skimboard contest. And you will need to be at least 15 years old. We will consider exceptions to this rule based on merit, and/or extenuating circumstances.

Coaching from behind the ropes is ok, standing next to your teammate in the area is not.

Interfering in another person’s chance to get a wave is not going to be tolerated.

If you take three steps toward the wave then your priority is lost. Intimidation tactics will not be tolerated either. Moving side to side, or laterally is ok. Running alongside someone is not.

Waiting for a rider to go on a wave and then deciding to go so you can force an interference with the other rider will not be tolerated.

Changing age divisions, just because you want to skim in another group is grounds for a DQ.

Your age is what it is on December 31st. No exceptions.

Lying on your application is grounds for a DQ.

Turning your jersey inside out will be considered as unsportsmanlike behavior.

Any dangerous, unsafe skimboarding by anyone will be grounds for their removal from the competition. We all hope we never have to watch that kind of lunatic, irresponsible behavior again.

We break even on the contest expenses, entries pay for almost everything, but we put in 300 hours of organizing, permitting and planning for which we charge nothing. We pay all judges and announcers a modest stipend. All monies donated to the Pro Purse are distributed as evenly as possible between the Women and Men.

Though I must say, equal pay for equal work will have to be the norm for next year, seeing as how there are so many females participating, and they actually did better for Vic than the men’s side. What do you think about that? I think it is time. They get hardly anything if we continue to do it by proportional participation methods. But with fewer wannabe pros in men, this women to men ratio should improve.

Our goal is to throw a party for the skimboard community and to find the best riders on that particular weekend. That we accomplished in spades.

Thank you mom and dad for letting me follow my dreams. Thank you Duke Kahanamoku, the father of surfing. That is where this all started.



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