Congratulations on being the first international women’s rider to take home the Vic championship in the professional women’s division. How does it feel representing Mexico? What challenges did you overcome?

The VIC 2022 contest has been my best contest so far. Perfect conditions for all of the categories, and just an overall good vibe from all the competitors and crowd watching. Such a community feeling.

Having the opportunity to come out to California and compete made me feel so inspired and motivated to give it everything in the waves.

You never know when you will be able to visit again or have the same opportunities as today.

So that extra work you put in is for everyone who’s watching. The communities you represent your country, state, and town from the distance. And to all the girls and people that think that anything you dream of when you are a kid, can be real, just with perseverance and work.

Being able to get into the finals with Julia, another international rider was very meaningful. The

Sport is getting international; it’s growing bigger not only for men, but women as well. I’m grateful to be a part of skim history.


Were you nervous to compete in the conditions at Aliso? What part of Aliso do you find the most challenging?

I was nervous and exited to compete in some of the heats versus such good female skimboarders, but is all about the breathing to get focus and charge!


Do you have a favorite rider that inspires you to charge Aliso?

Watching my friends from Mexico, Gerardo and Yahir, they inspired me so much to charge, I know how they skim. So I learned a lot of how they get the timing in every single different beach.


Where else would you like to see professional women’s competitions?

I would love to see all this professional females charging in Mexico beaches, with nice weather and just having fun too! I hope there will be a stop In Mexico soon.


Now that you’ve won the Vic, do you have any other major competitive goals you would like to achieve as a skimboarder?

Oktoberfest is coming and because of the points now, there’s a good chance for four girls to win the UST. So we will be there charging again and just having fun.


Are you doing anything special to prepare for the Oktoberfest coming up?

I have been going to skim almost every day, and exercising and stretching a lot to avoid injures before the contest.


Feel free to take the time to thank anyone that’s been a part of your journey. Or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss.

I’m grateful with all the people that helped me while I visit. Especially Amber Torrealba, she is always willing to help girls to have this kind of opportunity. I hope we can keep motivating women to get started and keep skimming.

It’s such a beautiful sport!

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