Height: 6’0″
Weight: 170 lbs
Date of Birth: 12-17-1968
Home Town: Virginia Beach, VA
Current Residence: Virginia Beach ,VA
Stance: Regular
Board Set Up: Mark II-Large. Polyvac 21.5 x56
Years Riding: 30
Refreshment of Choice: Orange Juice
Favorite Shred Spot: Naval Jetties, Delaware
Favorite TV Show: House
Favorite Sounds: Ocean
Favorite Tricks: Long liners, Frontside Wraps
Favorite Websites: Surfline, Victoria Ocean, CNN
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Season: Summer
The Story of the Mark II
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>> Posted on August 23, 2011 by Victoria Skimboards
Victoria Skimboards team rider, Mark Mills took first place in the senior men’s event in Dewey Beach. Mark is down to fighting weight, running into foot deep water for his takeoffs, and riding a specialized full nosed, 1″ thick, flat rocker bomber with extra heavy, titanium reinforced internal flex amplifiers, and a single molecule of Chris Henderson. They didn’t stand a chance!
>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Mark Mills wrote:
Tex, I just wanted to show my appreciation on that write up you did on my win at Dewey… Thought that was a pretty cool surprise. ECSC was cancelled due to the hurricane last weekend… happens. Already looking forward to coming out to Laguna next year for some West coast fun. Going to be editing a cool video at “The Point” in Hatteras before too long. We were cruising backside down the liners for a good 80 to a 100 yards… wish you were there… was a lot of fun. Take care friend and we’ll speak soon!
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>> On 9/1/11, Tex Haines wrote:
Must have been in the hook of sand to the south of the point. I can still see it. Seriously magic place. That was a lot of fun. Glad you liked the write up. Still have to get that shape into production for next year. Not sure whether it qualifies for a Mark Mills Pro Model status. But I’d like to push the idea and if you are incentivized what ways would you use to help us sell it. Could you find a great professional photographer to shoot you? HA!
>> On Sep 28, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Mark Mills wrote:
Tex, how have you been? I would love to help you push the idea on the new board shape. Everyone here who rides the board completely flips out how she rides. The specs on this board makes riding a heap load of fun… Here is why it works for me:
1) Full nose- more body surface and planes out farther.
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2) Weight- this is very important especially on East Coast. This will allow you to plane out farther and bring you back to the beach easier. Makes the board more stable as well.
3) Width is wider (Large would be 22in width by 54.5in Length)- this shorter length for your normal Large templates works because you’ll be able to turn faster and not worry about loss of speed due to the fact that you already made up for that on the width as well as in added weight and added thickness.
4) Thickness- 1 inch tapered to 3/4 on nose/tail
5) Rails- Boxy- will also help to get you back to the beach (another reason you will get away with a shorter board for faster turning).
6) PolyVac- perfect choice for maintaining flex on a thick board
7) Rocker-2 inches. You don’t need anything less due to the weight and width… and this will help to get over the smaller wave before getting to the bigger wave.