Recently Trigg met up with Andrea Nowack, the Los Angeles Editor for Westbound Boarder (a blog dedicated to sports for Women) to give a little skim instruction. A copy of her write up of the experience can be viewed by clicking here.
Joyeux 14 Juillet!!!Fete national en France aujourd’hui!!!:)
Contest Site Nice weather, some little waves fun to ride, first round of Pros started at 9am. Ams are going right now. In Pros, vic riders: Bill Bryan, Michael Brickle, Morgan just, Brandon Rothe and I are still in for quarter finals tomorrow . Teddy Vlasis skimmed really good but ended 3rd in his first […]
As you may or may not have read on the Victoria Skimboards website, the County of Orange is attempting to put some heavy restrictions on the WCS. For additional information CLICK HERE. Our goal is to run the contest when it is best for the skimboarders and to make it an all around fun event […]
Peep the new flic from 360 To Nowhere…
Getting some tacos for lunch and off to the beach!!! yayyyy :)
Happy Canada Day to all of those in Canada. Do not party too hard! For those that do not know, today in Canada is the same as July 4th (Independence Day) in the United States. Time to celebrate!
The WCS is a big thing, hands down. Local Laguna Beach paper, the Coastline Pilot, has posted a piece about the contest. Click here to read the article
Results for the WCS 2009 are in! If you were not at the event, you missed a great time and as always, the highest level of riding. Click here to view the results.
The Coastline Pilot, a local Laguna Beach newspaper, has released the article about the WCS 2009 in which Brandon Rothe is a major focus. Check out the link below to the article or pick up a copy of the paper today; June 26, 2009. Click here to download Heat Schedule