Tex Haines can been seen kicking it around the North Shore this week and should be attendin the competition at Yokahamas this weekend. Keep the fingers crossed for surf. If you see Tex in the line up or on the beach eye balling a wave, give a quick shout hello.
Google sends us over interesting things on occasion and just this morning we received a link to this video. It is pretty clever and we had a good time watching it. Enjoy. Victoria Skimboards Animation For more information on the creator of the video, you can Click Here
We are stoked to have a new trainee for a week, and he s helping out a lot
Morgan Just is offering up a skim camp while he is in Florida. Come say hi or send him a quick email if you are interested.
The new Foamies are here…….. And after a day of unboxing, unwrapping, shelving, and cleaning up we are done. Stocked and ready to ship.
If you ask Matthieu or Annie about the “fiesta night” both of them will tell you that they cannot remember it. Can anyone say KRUNK! Yes, the drinks were plentiful, the music was bumping, and the evening was fun. Good times!
Ryan Leeson might as well be Irish as yesterday he was broad sided by another car and walked away from the accident with only a scratch. His car however was not so lucky. It is possible that the car is not going to make it. Better the car than Ryan!
In celebration of Matthieu Thibaud receiving his O-1 VISA the crew will be starting the evening out at the Royal Hawaiian. Pictures to come later (some will not be shown).
The VISA process and waiting for the verdict is complete! Matthieu Thibaud has received his O-1 Visa and is legal in the United States for another 3 years. Congratulations to Matthieu and all of those that helped him earn his right to stay. He will be sending the six pack to each and everyone of […]
Employee Ryan has been at it again adding to the arm tattoo. Who knows where it will end?