Looking to get into Flatland skimboarding? The slider is the perfect board for a beginner to intermediate Flatland rider read to improve his/her skills. Durable, fast, and easy to ride make it a must have board for any aspiring flatland rider. A step up from the flimsy wood boards you started on, the Slider is the board you need to get serious about learning flatland skimboarding.
S 50 – 110 lbs 40.6″ x 18.6″
M 90 – 160 lbs 43.5″ x 20.0″
L 140 – 210 lbs 46.5″ x 21.4″
(size, suggested weight, board dimensions)
Core Material: Birch plywood
Core Thickness: 3/8″
Fiberglass: E-glass (top & bottom)
Resin: Polyester
Rails: Rounded (top/bottom)
Shape: Squash
Rocker: Mid
Finish: Textured